Dear Raptor Families,

What a fantastic week. It was so fun to see everyone out at the Halloween parade. We loved all of the creative costumes. As an extra reminder, the lost and found is filling up fast! Make sure that your student has gone through it if you are missing items. Everything will be donated on Friday, November 22nd.

On Monday, November 4th, we have a Boys Basketball game at home versus Erie Middle School. On Thursday, November 7th, we have a middle school orchestra concert in the auditorium at 6:00pm. Girls basketball is starting up. Sign-ups open on Monday, November 4th.

As always, please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns. We appreciate your continued support and involvement in our school community. Please let us know if you need any assistance.

Best wishes,

Catrina Estrada, Principal 

Sandra Vazquez, Assistant Principal 

Matt Romig, Assistant Principal 

Grant Elwood, Dean of Students

Important Dates

November 4- Boys Basketball Home Game vs Erie MS

November 7 – Middle School Orchestra Concert at 6:00pm

November 11 – Boys Basketball Home Game vs Sunset

November 12 – Middle School Band Concert at 6:00pm

November 13 – Frederick High School Open House

November 19 – Cafecito – Financial Responsibility

November 20 – PTA Meeting in the Library at 5:30pm

Girls Basketball Registration

Registration begins November 4th

Please click HERE to register

Parents/guardians shall be required to furnish an explanation for student absenteeism either in writing or orally. Absences not explained within two days after returning to school shall be recorded as unexcused absences unless unusual or extenuating circumstances exist as determined by the building administrator. After 10 excused or unexcused absences, a doctors note is required. Communication is key to successful attendance. In the event your student will be absent, please call the front office at 303-833-2456, email our attendance clerk, at or complete this form Report an Absence

Thunder Valley News Network Club

Are you a 3rd through 8th grade student who has ever wanted to film, edit videos or be the one in front of a camera? Then we have the club for you! The Thunder Valley News Network is looking for members to join to deliver the news around the school. If you’re interested, scan the QR code outside of your classroom or get in touch with Mr. Shreve for more information.

Please help us get our staff started off right! Sign up to sponsor the lounge! Donate K-cups, creamer, snacks, drinks, or anything else you feel would put a smile on our teachers faces!

Sign up HERE

Please see our PTA’s website HERE

Pizza Party Winner!

We have a winner for our PTA membership contest! Congratulations to Ms. Dehner’s 3rd grade class!

TVK8 Vimeo Video Channel

It was wonderful to have everyone here for the costume parade on Thursday! Here is a link to a short video of the parade!

You can check out past videos in our Vimeo TVK8 Showcase!


We are thrilled to have students back on campus learning and making memories with their friends. Don’t miss out on this year’s yearbook. It’s the one book that will document your student’s friends, classes, and activities. Purchase today!

 OFFER ENDS November 1st. 

Ready to order your yearbook?


Celebrate your child’s FIRST QUARTER birthday by joining the Birthday Book Club and donating a book to the school library in their name! Each child who participates will have their name inscribed on a bookplate on the front endpaper of the donated book. We will take a picture of the birthday child holding their donated book and they will get the first chance to check it out. 

Here are two ways to participate:

1)  Bring cash or a check in to the school and we will 

     purchase and process the book in your child’s name.

2)  Select one of the books from our carefully chosen Wish List by visiting 

     The Birthday Book Club list on Amazon:     

     Thunder Valley K8 Library Wish List


Mrs. Kelly and Mrs. Ladd

Frederick High School Booster Club has more pink out shirts for sale, get yours today! 

Pink Out Shirt – FHS Booster Club

Thunder Valley K8