Happy Friday Raptor Families,

What a fantastic first week back from winter break. It was wonderful to see and connect with all of our students and dive right back into the learning.

We are hosting our 8th – 9th Grade Transition Night on Thursday, the 16th at 6:00 pm. Guardians and 8th grade students, please join us for information about the transition to high school and success tips.

Our AAA after school academic support program for elementary students starts back up on Tuesday, January 14th. This is by invitation only, if your student is registered we look forward to seeing them.

On Monday, January 13th, we have a girls basketball game in the gym vs Timberline PK8. On Tuesday, January 14th, a few of our middle school choir students are performing at the SVVSD Middle School Honor Choir concert at Niwot High School at 7:00pm. 

Winter weather is here! Please also remind your students to make sure to continue to dress in layers as we are now experiencing much cooler weather. We appreciate your support and involvement in our school community. Please let us know if you need any assistance.

Best wishes,

Catrina Estrada, Principal 

Sandra Vazquez, Assistant Principal 

Matt Romig, Assistant Principal 

Grant Elwood, Dean of Students

Important Dates

January 13th- Girls Basketball Home Game vs. Timberline

January 16- 8th to 9th grade FHS Transition Night at Thunder Valley at 6:00pm

January 20- No School for MLK Day

January 28- 2nd grade Music Concert at 6:00pm

January 29- PTA meeting in the Library at 5:30pm

STEM Accelerator

Parents/Guardians, we are currently accepting applications for our 3rd session of our STEM after-school program. This will run from January 14-February 27 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 3:45-5:00. Please see the application attached for more information and get this to Mr. Elwood by the end of next week (January 17). Email [email protected] for any questions. If your child participated previously, they will need to reapply. 

Thank you!

Boys and Girls Wrestling

Registration begins on January 13th

Please click HERE to register

In preparation for ACCESS testing (the English language test) we will be pulling students from specials to practice a few weeks before the test. This will start on January 7th. The ACCESS test itself will begin on January 14th. If you have any questions, please contact Angela Moreno or Olga Rojas-Rodriguez. Thank you! For more information about the ACCESS test please visit ACCESS for ELs

Parents/guardians shall be required to furnish an explanation for student absenteeism either in writing or orally. Absences not explained within two days after returning to school shall be recorded as unexcused absences unless unusual or extenuating circumstances exist as determined by the building administrator. After 10 excused or unexcused absences, a doctors note is required. Communication is key to successful attendance. In the event your student will be absent, please call the front office at 303-833-2456, email our attendance clerk, at [email protected] or complete this form Report an Absence

Please help us get our staff started off right! Sign up to sponsor the lounge! Donate K-cups, creamer, snacks, drinks, or anything else you feel would put a smile on our teachers faces!

Sign up HERE

Please see our PTA’s website HERE

TVK8 Vimeo Video Channel

You can check out past videos in our Vimeo TVK8 Showcase!

St. Vrain Preschool Expands to Five-Day-A-Week Programs
Starting in the 2025-2026 school year, St. Vrain Valley Schools will offer five-day-a-week preschool programs. Families can explore a variety of high-quality preschool options tailored to meet families’ unique needs, including half-day morning and afternoon sessions, with full-day programs available at select locations. Registration for the upcoming school year begins on December 17.

Visit svvsd.org/preschool for more details and registration information.

Thunder Valley K8