Happy Friday Raptor Families,

What a great week! We have really been enjoying the warmer weather. Please remind students to dress in layers as we try to go outside for recess whenever possible.

On Monday, March 3rd, we have a home wrestling match versus Longs Peak MS. Coming up next weekend we have our musical, Annie Jr! Please come out to support our cast and crew next Friday night and Saturday! See below for show times and information. Also next week, we have Late Start on Wednesday March 5th, supervision begins at 10:50am. 

We appreciate your support and involvement in our school community. Please let us know if you need any assistance.

Best Wishes, 

Catrina Estrada, Principal 

Sandra Vazquez, Assistant Principal 

Matt Romig, Assistant Principal 

Grant Elwood, Dean of Students

Important Dates

March 3- Wrestling Competition at TVK8

March 5 – Late Start- school starts at 11:05am

March 7 – Musical – Annie Jr at 7:00pm

March 8 – Musical – Annie Jr at 11:00am & 3:00pm

March 11 – 6th-8th grade Choir Concert

March 15 – 23 – Spring Break – No School

March 26-PTA Meeting at 5:30pm

April 1-3rd grade music concert 6:00pm

Track and Field

Registration is OPEN!

Please register HERE

Thunder Valley presents Annie Jr.!

Showtimes: Friday March 7th 7pm and Saturday March 8th at 11am and 3pm

Parents/guardians shall be required to furnish an explanation for student absenteeism either in writing or orally. Absences not explained within two days after returning to school shall be recorded as unexcused absences unless unusual or extenuating circumstances exist as determined by the building administrator. After 10 excused or unexcused absences, a doctors note is required. Communication is key to successful attendance. In the event your student will be absent, please call the front office at 303-833-2456, email our attendance clerk, at garcia_jessica@svvsd.org or complete this form Report an Absence

Please help us get our staff started off right! Sign up to sponsor the lounge! Donate K-cups, creamer, snacks, drinks, or anything else you feel would put a smile on our teachers faces!

Sign up HERE

Please see our PTA’s website HERE

TVK8 Vimeo Video Channel
Make sure to check out our video of the Glow Run & Color Run celebrating the end of our fundraiser!

You can check out past videos in our Vimeo TVK8 Showcase!

As we celebrate our district-wide robotics program, we want to extend a special invitation to all school communities to enjoy these spectacular drone shows. It’s a truly unique and inspiring performance you won’t want to miss!

VEX IQ State Robotics – Friday, Feb. 28th at 6:20pm, Trail Ridge Middle 

V5 Middle State Robotics – Friday, March 7th at 7:30pm, Altona Middle 

V5 High State Robotics – Friday March 14th at 8:00pm, Erie High School 

Thunder Valley K8